BCHS Lecture Series: Charleville Musket Found at New Bridge Landing
Zoom Program on April 20, 2023, 7:00 pm
Presenters discuss the conservation and history of the Charleville musket
Five speakers: Tom Hand, creator & publisher of Americana Corner and supporter of the conservation work on the musket, Gary McGowan of Cultural Preservation & Restoration goes over the extensive conservation of the musket, Patrick Wadie-Ibrahim described X-raying and revelations of the 54" long object on the Picatinny Arsenal equipment, Jeff Ranu, historian at Picatinny talks about the American Revolution at Picatinny and Will Krakhower, NJDEP Historic Preservation Specialist on the description and use of the muskets in the American Revolution.
Glimpses of a 17th Century Life, Sara Roelofse, Zoom Lecture.
We welcome back Dr. Meta Janowitz where she treats us to a lecture on Sara Roelofse.
Sara Roelofse, born in Amsterdam but a citizen of New Netherland from her earliest years, became known to archaeologists when the site of her former home along the shore of the East River in Manhattan was excavated. Documentary research and analysis of excavated artifacts have given us glimpses of what her life was like before her death in 1693. During the 66 years of her life, Sara Roelofse had many duties and responsibilities, some purely domestic and some in the service of the government and people of New Amsterdam. She was a mother to eleven children (nine lived to adulthood), a translator and cultural broker between the Dutch and the Native Americans, and a “goede vrouw,” a good woman, of the town. Sara was a person of note in New Amsterdam and the surrounding areas, including what is now northern New Jersey, and, although there are no records of her being paid in money for her services, she was granted land on Manhattan Island and here in Bergen County. We can talk a bit about her everyday life and her influence on those around her using the written records and artifacts available to us.
Dr. Meta Janowitz gave an illustrated Zoom talk on Ceramic Vessels and Tiles in May 2021. Janowitz is an archaeologist and ceramic historian, specializing in the study of pottery made in the metropolitan area during the 18th and 19th centuries. Semi-retired from the Cultural Resource Management crew at AECOM, a large engineering firm, she teaches at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Selections from our collections were featured including redware made along the Hackensack River in River Edge, NJ. Approximately 54 minutes long.

PODCAST INTERVIEW: Bergen County Commissioner Mary J. Amoroso interviewed BCHS Past President Deborah Powell on March 19, 2021 about the Bergen County Historical Society, Historic New Bridge Landing and BCHS plans for a new museum, as part of the County's podcast series.
LINK: https://bergencountycommissioners.libsyn.com
Bergen's Fort: The Post at Paulus Hook, 1776 1783, lecture by Todd Braisted. Todd gave a lecture on Paulus Hook at a BCHS Zoom event on February 21, 2021.
Only one place in Bergen County was continuously occupied by troops for the bulk of the American Revolution, Paulus Hook. Now Jersey City, Hudson County, the fort was opposite the City of New York and was to be used in conjunction with fortifications in Manhattan to deter British shipping and prevent their troops landing in New Jersey. Captured by the British in September 1776, it remained in their hands through November 1783 and was used to launch many raids into the countryside. In 1779, Henry Lee, Jr. led 400 Continental troops from New Bridge to attack the post, at the time garrisoned primarily by Bergen Country troops fighting for the British.
Social Power and Slavery in Early NY's Dutch Reformed Churches by Andrea Mosterman.
Lecture given by Andrea Mosterman for the Bergen County Historical Society on January 28, 2021. Her forthcoming book Spaces of Enslavement: A History of Slavery and Resistance in Dutch New York, which is coming out this fall (2021) with Cornell Press, has won the 2020 Hendricks Award for best book-length manuscript relating to New Netherland and the Dutch colonial experience.
A 38-minute video of balladeer, teacher, historian and storyteller Linda Russell reading selections of holiday stories to us by candlelight on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2020!
Something a little different here, we were missing Linda at our candlelight concerts we normally have every year (since 1983) in the 18th century sandstone home, the Steuben House at Historic New Bridge Landing.
A 45-second video about an exhibit of Clear Toy Candy that we featured at the 2019 concerts at the Steuben House.
A 45-minute video about Historic New Bridge Landing. The Bergen County Historical Society (BCHS) was selected to participate in a national forum “America’s Summer Roadtrip.” Available now! BCHS wrote and produced the video for the project in August 2020.
For more that thirty years, Penny Colman has traveled in search of historical landmarks to women. In an illustrated virtual road trip, she focused on landmarks to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, including plaques, busts, statues, markers, and more from across America. Stanton attempted to vote in an 1880 election claiming her right to as a Bergen County tax payer. August 12, 2020.
Part 1: November 1776 Retreat Weekend at Historic New Bridge Landing. BCHS president Jim Smith speaking on Thomas Paine, reads the American Crisis and talks about the new planned museum at HNBL. The lecture took place in the 18th century Steuben House at HNBL in River Edge, NJ, November 2019.
Part 2: November 1776 Retreat Weekend at Historic New Bridge Landing. Writer and collector Marta Black gave a presentation on Nathanael Greene. The lecture took place in the 18th century Steuben House at HNBL in River Edge, NJ, November 2019.
Part 3: November 1776 Retreat Weekend at Historic New Bridge Landing. author and historian Todd Braisted gave a presentation "Bergen County Loyalist in the Southern Campaigns, 1779-1782" at the 18th century Steuben House at HNBL in River Edge, NJ, November 2019.
The 240th Anniversary of the Raid on Paulus Hook August 17th, 2019 -
Reenactment at Historic New Bridge Landing.
Calico Frolic at the Steuben House at Historic New Bridge Landing in River Edge, NJ. The event took place in July 2019.
Reenactment of events that took place November 20 & 21, 1776 at New Bridge Landing. Video taken and edited by Deborah Powell.
Historian and past president of BCHS Kevin W. Wright speaks at the School House Museum for a Ridgewood Historical Society lecture in April 2007. The topic was Home Rule and Boroughitis; how did we get 70 municipalities in Bergen County?