We have started using a new membership software. To join or renew: please visit our JOINIT webpage, we have upgraded our capabilities.
Please Click Here!
The Bergen County Historical Society welcomes those who wish to support our mission which is to collect and preserve data and objects of significance to the history of the United States and to Bergen County in particular, while promoting historical awareness through our programming and publications. We are an independent, volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 100% of your donation goes to our mission.
Membership Categories
Individual $20
Library and Historical Organizations - $20.00
Household $30
Contributing $50+
Sustaining $100+
Corporation $250
Lifetime (individual) $500
Student (under 23 years) $10
Benefits of Membership
• Free or reduced admission to events
• Newsletter "Bergen's Attic" and event postcards mailed
• BCHS email blasts about upcoming events and news
• 10% discount on items in the museum shop
Why Join?
It's a great opportunity to meet people with a common interest while knowing that you are helping to preserve local history and support the Bergen County Historical Society. Another excellent reason is except for fundraising events (for example: Candle Light Concerts, Beer & Wine Festivals, Bus Tours), entry to events are free to BCHS members. At the fundraising events we offer a reduced price to members.
Give a Membership as a Gift
A membership makes a great gift for any occasion.
Contact us to process a gift membership!
Checks can be mailed to: BCHS, PO Box 55, River Edge, NJ 07661-0055
If possible, come out and introduce yourself to the BCHS board and members at one of our events. You are welcome to get involved!