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2023 Gala Photo Gallery

Photos from the October 19th, 2023 BCHS Gala fundraiser at Sanzari's New Bridge Inn, New Milford for the new museum building. The new museum will be located across the 1889 bridge in River Edge, NJ.  More info below. You can click on the images to make it larger.

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Our Distinguished Honorees

By supporting this event you are building the foundation needed to bring a new history museum to life in the heart of Bergen County New Jersey at Historic New Bridge Landing.


Keynote Speaker


MARY CALVI is a 14-time New York Emmy award-winning journalist, morning and noon news anchor at WCBS-TV and national host of Inside Edition Weekend. Her latest novel, IF A POEM COULD LIVE AND BREATHE: A NOVEL OF TEDDY ROOSEVELT’S FIRST LOVE, is based on love letters from the Gilded Age to and from Roosevelt and his first love, Alice Lee. Her in-depth research for her debut book, DEAR GEORGE, DEAR MARY: A NOVEL OF GEORGE WASHINGTON’S FIRST LOVE, is the basis of a Smithsonian Channel documentary. 

Cocktail Entertainment

Ridley and Anne Enslow

Ridley and Anne Enslow are set to deliver a captivating live performance, transporting their audience back to the 18th Century. Their repertoire will encompass a delightful range of music, featuring iconic Liberty Songs from the American Revolution, as well as selections from Alexander Hamilton's cherished playlist. Moreover, they will regale listeners with the lively and authentic Colonial drinking songs of the era. Prepare to be immersed in the sounds and spirit of the past with this enchanting musical journey.

Dinner and Dancing to the band Soul’ed Out

Soul'ed Out.png
October 19th, 2023, 6pm - 10pm
Sanzari's New Bridge Inn

New Milford, NJ (adjacent to Historic New Bridge Landing property)

Festive cocktail hour with entertainment by Anne and Ridley Enslow

Dinner and Dancing to the band Soul’ed Out, Silent Auction & Dessert Bar

Register here for the October 19th Gala through PayPal or mail a check & form to: BCHS, PO Box 55, River Edge, NJ 07661-0055.

Either way, we have your name at the entrance. (New Bridge Inn, 105 Old New Bridge Rd, New Milford, NJ)
See Sponsorship Levels below.

Help Us Raise the Roof!
Gala Reservation: $195.00
(includes an individual BCHS membership)
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BCHS Members Reservation: $175.00

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Contact Martha Morley, Fundraising Officer and find out about our museum plans at Historic New Bridge Landing.
To find out
 Sponsorship and ad journal information please email: or call 201-493-7996 

BCHS is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit. Your donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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