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BCHS museum and library collections comprise the greatest survival of significant Bergen Dutch artifacts and documents in the public domain. Some objects are on view at the Campbell-Christie House. Info largely based on The Tree of Life: Selections from Bergen County Folk Art and Ladies Ramble, Quilts from the collections of the BCHS.
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George Washington and Nathanael Greene
Watercolors by Thomas Stothard, 1783

Portrait of Garret D. Demarest
Age 6, one of 4 sons of Daniel P. Demarest of The Flatts, now Oradell, along the Hackensack River. c. 1827
By James Van Dyke. Pastel on newspaper. 27-1/2" x 22-1/2". 2 brothers on view at the Steuben House.
By James Van Dyke. Pastel on newspaper. 27-1/2" x 22-1/2". 2 brothers on view at the Steuben House.

Washington Memorial
Painted miniatures on a background of silk-floss embroidery. Inset portraits thought to be painted by John Trumbull.

Charleville Musket found at HNBL in 1915.
Conservation and new case completed from a grant by Americana Corner, a private foundation. On exhibit at HNBL.

Hackensack Valley spoon racks
Spoon board, Bergen County, 1791. Inscribed "L DMR P DMR: on face, "P+D 1791" on reverse, chip carved, 3 strips for 12 spoons. Petrus Demarest married Lea Blauvelt at Tappan, October 30, 1793, 21-1/2" x 8".

Hackensack Valley spoon racks
Spoon board, Schraalenburgh (now Bergenfield) 1734. Inscribed "D ANNO 1734 M H / David Demarest," married October 29, 1736, at Schraalenburgh, 14" x 8-3/4".

Hackensack Valley spoon racks
Spoon board, Bergen County, late 17 c. or early 18 c. chip carved, picturing a Kas with 3 potted plants, three ledges for 12 spoons, knoblike peak has a carved face, 24" x 8".

Hackensack Valley spoon racks
Hackensack Valley Spoon Boards are simple backboards with three ledges usually pierced to insert a dozen spoon handles. These jackknife relics of the delightful custom of giving handmade emblems were made to speak the donor's affections. After marriage, it can be assumed a spoon was given each time a child was christened. The 12 openings for spoons indicated the hoped for size of families in olden times.

Kas or Dutch cupboard
Every Jersey Dutch household stored handmade cloth, bedding and blankets in a Kas or Dutch Cupboard. This one displays Bergen Dutch quilts and coverlets, including the popular indigo-dyed wool and natural-white linen coverlets produced by local weavers.

Kas or Dutch cupboard
Served as storage for household cloth such as towels, sheets and bedding. c. 1775 to 1800.

Oldest dated Hackensack Cupboard 1802
Descended in the Mowry family in Paramus. Cruder then later matchstick examples.

Pine cupboard, Hackensack Valley, c. 1860.
Two sections: Top has butterfly shelves, 12 glass panes. Typical county mullions; base has 4 drawers and 2 doors supported on modified French foot. Matchstick designs across frieze under cornice. Stepped molding is both straight and slanting. On the stiles, drawers and doors; horizontal and vertical reeding.

Hackensack Valley Chair
Slat-back chair; 3 graduated bowed slats. Posts are topped with urn finials, rush seat. Front feet deeply turned. Several chairs in collections including a child's chair and one adapted for an invalid.

From document collection: Promise by James Jay to Claus.
Glimpse of Slave History in New Jersey.

1819 pen & ink drawing of the Bergen County Court House.

Pen-and-ink and watercolor drawing by Margarete Van Wagoner, 1830
The Goddess Cybele or Flora on chariot being drawn by lions. The picture is in a frame with matchstick design, typical of Hackensack region. 13-3/4" x 9-3/4"

Daguerreotype. One of the last eye-witnesses of the Revolutionary War at New Bridge. Thought to have been born in 1773, emancipated 1840, died 1871 at New Bridge.

Captain James Lawrence
Mortally wounded in the War of 1812, in battle in Boston, Lawrence shouted, "Tell the men to fire faster and not to give up the ship; fight her till she sinks!" True to his words, every officer in the Chesapeake's chain of command fought until he was either killed or wounded. Even so, the battle was lost in under an hour, the Chesapeake was captured, and Lawrence died four days later, leaving his wife and a daughter.

Storybook Quilt
Patchwork background in subtle dark-colored strips of dress remnants and silk ties in herring bone pattern; eighty appliquéd figures are edged by featherstitch, popular at the time; embroidery details added to bright colored figures; some motifs, such as the unicyclist, locomotive, paddle wheeler, probably derived from Currier and Ives prints. Monogram of maker CVB in center, the date 1880 in red letters below American flag shield. Made by Mrs. Charles V. Bogia. Fabric: silk. Size: 68" x 70"

Ladies Ramble 1876
Pattern: Lady of the Lake. Patchwork and appliqué quilt; patchwork done in variation of Lady of the Lake design with multicolored printed and white cotton fabrics; outline quilting on squares. Appliquéd letters (Ladies Ramble 1876) and fleurs-de-lis on borders in red fabric. Red trim, solid white cotton backing. Fabric: cotton. Size: 88-1/2" x 71-1/2".

Betsy Haring Applique Quilt
Cotton quilt with twenty red-bordered, well-balanced and colorful squares of appliqué depictions with embroidered details; each object identified by pen inscription: Plumb (plum), Yellow peach, Horse Chesnut, Harts (hearts), Green Apples, Vace (vase) with Flowers, Cherry, Pair (pear), Lemons, Variegated Rose, China Aster, Raughton Black Bary, China Rose, Red Apple, The Eagle of America, French flower, Chinees Boat, Ring Fan, Strawbary Black Bary Baskets, Bell-flower, Six Shafted Bird of Paradise, Rooster, Kittons, Rose, Lilly Rose, Turkey, Bird Cage, Gees, Gees Pond, Sleigh Riding, Butter Fly, Buggy, table, Rusty coat apples, Rusty coat pair (pear), Dog, Squirrel, Cat, Pink piney (peony), Pear Tomatoes, Lilly (lily), Piny (peony), Pine Apple, China Rose, Decanter, Oranges, Goblet, Flower of the Dutch mans pipe Meersham, Strawbary, Red Apple, Lilly (lily), Plum, Piny (peony), Pretty Polly (a parrot), Cherry, Paris Rose, Cowslips, Shellflower, Tulip. Woman in blue dress holds open book inscribed: Betsey Haring made this quilt while in her 57th year of age 1869.
Date: 1869. Fabric: cotton. Size: 70"x 86.5".
Elizabeth Bogert, daughter of Mattheus Bogert and Maria Demarest, was born July 25, 1811. She married Peter D. Haring (1807-1864) at Tappan on July 5, 1828. She died December 21, 1890. An inventory of her estate listed a silk bed quilt (worth $10) and six bed quilts ($6). By her will, Betsey Haring of Harrington Township left an "album qult" to her daughter Anna Marie Onderdonk; "one crazy worsted quilt" her son Samuel B. Haring; a "silk quilt" to son Albert Z. Haring; a "diamond quilt" to granddaughter Lydia Haring; a "star quilt" to granddaughter Carry Doniker; a "curtain quilt" to grandson Newton; and a "calico quilt" to grandson David.
From Ladies Ramble, Quilts from the collections of the Bergen County Historical Society.
Written & Researched by Kevin Wright.
Date: 1869. Fabric: cotton. Size: 70"x 86.5".
Elizabeth Bogert, daughter of Mattheus Bogert and Maria Demarest, was born July 25, 1811. She married Peter D. Haring (1807-1864) at Tappan on July 5, 1828. She died December 21, 1890. An inventory of her estate listed a silk bed quilt (worth $10) and six bed quilts ($6). By her will, Betsey Haring of Harrington Township left an "album qult" to her daughter Anna Marie Onderdonk; "one crazy worsted quilt" her son Samuel B. Haring; a "silk quilt" to son Albert Z. Haring; a "diamond quilt" to granddaughter Lydia Haring; a "star quilt" to granddaughter Carry Doniker; a "curtain quilt" to grandson Newton; and a "calico quilt" to grandson David.
From Ladies Ramble, Quilts from the collections of the Bergen County Historical Society.
Written & Researched by Kevin Wright.

Betsy Haring Applique Quilt
Cotton quilt with twenty red-bordered, well-balanced and colorful squares of appliqué depictions with embroidered details; each object identified by pen inscription: Plumb, Yellow peach, Horse Chesnut, Harts (hearts) Green Apples and many more. Woman in blue dress holds open book inscribed: Betsey Haring made this quilt while in her 57th year of age 1869. Size: 70" x 86-1/2".

Betsy Haring Applique Quilt
Cotton quilt with twenty red-bordered, well-balanced and colorful squares of appliqué depictions with embroidered details; each object identified by pen inscription: Plumb, Yellow peach, Horse Chesnut, Harts (hearts) Green Apples and many more. Woman in blue dress holds open book inscribed: Betsey Haring made this quilt while in her 57th year of age 1869. Size: 70" x 86-1/2".

William Franklin Broadside
18th century broadsides are exceedingly rare, especially those signed by Gov. Franklin. Thus, ours was certainly one-of-a-kind and very important for its rarity.

South Parlor at the Steuben House
Above the Hackensack Valley Sideboard is a Washington Memorial of painted miniatures on a background of silk-floss embroidery. Inset portraits thought to be painted by John Trumbull.
Bergen Dutch ladder-back chairs surrounding three-piece Hepplewhite dining table on Jacquard woven carpet, (probably NJ).Note: The way the Steuben house looked at one time.
Bergen Dutch ladder-back chairs surrounding three-piece Hepplewhite dining table on Jacquard woven carpet, (probably NJ).Note: The way the Steuben house looked at one time.

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